“After the magic moment when my eyes were opened to the sea,
it was no longer possible to see, think and live as before.”
Basically I consider myself a “sick dog”. Like so many others who have felt their nostrils to be pervaded by sea salt, there is the sensation of your spirit soaring.
The sea has always had a strong influence on me. As a child i had so much gratification to be able to “wallow” in this sublime sea world. My poor, exasperated mother having to threaten me with punishments in order to get me out of the water. The simple pleasure that the sea breeze gave me, filling my nostrils and lifting heart with its unique aroma was addictive.
This strong attraction to the sea had not yet found a viable outlet for expression, until I was lucky enough that my parents made me attend my first sailing courses. Indelible were the emotions I had the first time I went sailing on the “fish boxes”, hence being called the little Optimist. Then grew the magic thrill of riding upwind on Lasers, with my backside hanging over the side of the dinghy, with the Mistral wind filling the sail as much as my spirit.
Then there was a meeting, one of those pivotal points in one’s life. We are back in 1998, when I met that special person who would become my wife and the amazing mother of my son; ironically it all began very far from the shore, on a ski slope.
She was already signed to a Dive Master, whilst I was still completely oblivious to the world of diving. Hence the first patent, the first dives and with them the discovery of a new variety of incredible emotions. So strong, so intense and the astonishingly incredible ease with which I felt comfortable to be sealed permanently under water! Two loves; the one for the sea and the one for my partner with whom I had the good fortune to share these wonderful experiences with.
Since then much water has passed in front of our masks, although it can never be too much, but enough for allowing us to discover that there are many wonders that Mother Nature has created in the sea. Often what we see is a beauty and uniqueness that words cannot describe. It continues to enchant, by its amazing new encounters and flatters us to be spectators of the harmony and balance between marine elements.
Hence this desire to share with friends these emotions with photography. Hoping, perhaps with an image that strikes you, to convince you maybe to experience the underwater world yourself. To witness some of the most amazing spectacles on this planet.
A ‘thank you’ as deep as the Blue to Barbara for making me discover the underwater and her companionship on each dive.
A ‘thank you’, to you for having visited this site. If you liked the animals i photographed, i request you a commendation. Voice and pass on the fact that the creatures that inhabit our seas and land are wonderful. Only by making known their beauty can we preserve them for our children.